Help a bitch out…..
Posted by Terri on Sunday Feb 24, 2013 Under UncategorizedSo I know I keep saying that I am going to start blogging with some sort of regularity, but I hope this time it will work.
Hey it could work look how long it took me to quit smoking and I finally did. SO I am trying again.
My good friend Maria has designed me an awesome new header for my blog starring my awesome Chick graphic (including Lexi) designed by Clara Wallace and two very adorable cardinals which represent my Mom and Grams as they are ALWAYS with me.
So what I need from all of you is ideas on what to blog about…
My plan is to try and blog at least 2-3 days a week. Some will be stuff like links to pages I like or to a video I like and some might be current events stuff where I give my humble opinion even if you don’t like it 🙂 I might do some book or movie reviews and maybe will have some guest bloggers if some of my friends have something to say.
My blog will always be open for comments of all opinions even ones different than mine I only as that you be respectful of me and others on my blog because if you become mean and bitchy I will delete and block you from my blog.
We do not all need to agree but we do have to be respectful and if the world followed that rule things would be so much better. I have no authority through out the world but I do have it here and I will boot your ass if you do not follow this rule.